Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sila Bace post FB di bwh.... and beri pendapat anda... siapkah yg betol dan siapakah yg salah dlm hal ini..... Enjoy reading~~ ^o^

Muhammad Fitri Mokhtar

Like · · Unfollow Post · 14 hours ago
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  • Khairun Nisya dpt sira x?
    14 hours ago ·
  • Izzat Ikhwan siraa tak sure.nnti ditanya ye.tapi yang PASTI,PAHALA DARI TUHAN,GERENTI DAPAT.
    14 hours ago · · 4 people
  • Sufyan Salleh wow hebatnya cakap pasal pahala... mcm Tuhan dah tau dapat pahala ke tak.. bagus budak2 law ni.
    14 hours ago · · 2 people
  • Izzat Ikhwan buat baik dapat pahala,itu janji tuhan.ada ke orang buat baik dapat dosa sufyan?well trima kasih puji budak law:)
    14 hours ago ·
  • Sufyan Salleh ada je klu buat baik utk menunjuk... tak dapat pon pahala. betol tak ikhwan? sape la kita ni sbgi manusia nak ckp pasal pahala dosa ni? semua ni urusan Tuhan kan? tak tau la kalau kau skolah kau benda lain yg ko belajar.
    14 hours ago · · 2 people
  • Khairun Nisya wah!!!!! hebat tol hujah ko sufi, ko lah budak law sejati!!! aku bangga ngan ko!! ;)
    14 hours ago ·
  • Sufyan Salleh err aku ckp apa yang benar je.. bukan niat nak membangkang hujah sape2 pon.
    13 hours ago · · 1 person
  • Izzat Ikhwan well we arent talking about us going to do some good deeds and we want to show off to the whole public and say "hey ya jerks out there,we are doing something noble over here.please look at us" no.definitely that's not the point.hope u dont take the sentence with such narrow minded perceptions ,mind u? who we are to talk about dosa pahala?then i suggest, we shut all those agama schools because back then when i was still a lil kid,they did mention it,people doing good deeds.they will get pahala.unless they just wanted to bluff me .cheers:)
    13 hours ago · · 1 person
  • Izzat Ikhwan and did i sound like i want to show off something?argh people nowadays,hatred seems to grow up so fast.
    13 hours ago · · 1 person
  • Khairun Nisya errmm... sorry to interrupt, but with u'r capital letters, i don't get what u're trying to prove... again, no offence. sorry if it sounds like it ;)
    13 hours ago ·
  • Sufyan Salleh ahhahaha. its funny u still refer to things that they taught u when u're still a kid. we're in university now bro so think like one. benda kau belajar masa kecik tu cuma asas je. there are more to things when u grow older. things are not as simple as it seems anymore. yeah the basic principle good deeds will be compensate with pahala. tapi terpulang pada niat jugak. so yeah like i said things are not as simple at it is anymore. just leave the pahala and dosa thingy to God. kita manusia tak payah la nak ckp pasal dosa dan pahala ni sgt.
    13 hours ago · · 1 person
  • Khairun Nisya nway, sufi, aku phm ko x maksud pape... ko mmg org yg ske bg opinion... almost bout everything so... sorry ler kalo korg cm tense2 kt sini.. ^o^
    13 hours ago ·
  • Abdul Khaliq freedom of speech..
    13 hours ago ·
  • Sufyan Salleh u're not ikhwan...im just stating my opinion not trying to offence u in anyway at all. *seriously* :0
    13 hours ago · · 1 person
  • Abdul Khaliq xdela..ikhwan ckp psl pahala,kita xyah la nak komen mcm2.bknnye 1 isu pon..seriously,not an issue at all.
    13 hours ago · · 2 people
  • Izzat Ikhwan there's nothing i want to show by using those capital letters !oh come on people.and yes from the basic we build something.without it,we can clearly see here,the building is not going to survive for a long time.but here,i dont get it when u said i want to show off or somthing like that.this is the real problem of our people.being judgmental with no sense or realism and that is hilarious.seriously.why suddenly u have to come out with the issue 'we are not suppose to talk about us doing something and decide whether we will get pahala or dosa' and yes just like u mentioned.we are grown up and we can clearly think what is right what isnt .but here,obviously i didnt mentioned that we r going to do this just for the purpose of showing off.for god sake i have something more else to show off if i wanted to.LOL.and i think what u r trying to say is something so so lame,yes that's the word.sorry for being harsh,but again this is my opinion and i do respect urs and i hope u do the same thing.cheers :)\
    13 hours ago ·
  • Ros Shahira Major law students are arguing over a trivial matter. Oh come on guys. This is not how law students do and that was what we learnt. I just don't get it, is it wrong talking about pahala or dosa? Is it wrong using capital letters? But yah, typical human beings with different perceptions so I understood that, though. Everybody is welcome to present opinions respectively, but it would better if you choose your words wisely. A simple sentence might vitiate the whole thing and that is what happening right now. Sorry for saying this, but it's very unfortunate if you feel funny when referring things that had been taught during the childhood because without ABC 123 Alif Ba Ta, you would never be here. Without the past, there would never be future. I come with peace and feel very sorry reading this thread. Please guys jangan la gaduh gaduh ok. We're under the same roof.
    13 hours ago via Mobile · · 7 people
  • Sufyan Salleh LOL. can u actually read dude? ahahhaa. im not saying that u trying to show off or anything. im just giving instances where good deeds are not necessarily been compensated with pahala. LMAO. cmon dude u the one who said that good deeds usually been compensated with pahala. so i just provide u with instances where good deeds are not compensated with pahala. cmon dude.. chillex. just accept it as a respond to ur bold comment. dont take it as a form of personal attack. Im not bein judgemental im just stating my opinions on things. u the one who think the other way around. cheers. see ya in eep class tomorrow! :0
    13 hours ago · · 1 person
  • Izzat Ikhwan absolutely right.typical human beings with different perceptions,yeah i got that . oh people, i'm laughing all the way to my dreamland.Goodnight my fellow friends.Not interested at all to argue about some silly shit.oh yeah,i drink to that.
    13 hours ago ·
  • Sufyan Salleh lol its funny that u said u not interested arguing on silly things while u already posted like 5 comments here. dude u're seriously hillarious. :)
    13 hours ago · · 1 person
  • Sufyan Salleh LMAO
    13 hours ago ·
  • Izzat Ikhwan sufyan - oh really?that is so nice of you....i'm flattered........thank you for giving those warm opinions....u r damn really good ..salute.......... i take that wholeheartedly !
    13 hours ago ·
  • Izzat Ikhwan yeah not interested to continue using my brain at this point of time just to have some chat with ya?oh really??
    13 hours ago ·
  • Izzat Ikhwan and yeah dude u too..seriously,amazingly funny when u were commenting and talking about something which i found has nothing to do at all with my first comment up there.seriously??u must have been reading some book about pahala dosa and such things,dont u?haha.glad.that's law student.capable at talking and discussing about pretty much everything.even about the silliest thing on earth.yeah.see ya tomorrow!'til then,good night.and again,dont get offended by my words.cheers people!
    13 hours ago ·
  • Izzat Ikhwan and yes my lovely ros shahira,thank u to u as well for giving such brilliant opinion there.good night.
    13 hours ago ·
  • Sufyan Salleh lol.. ahaha. that is what a muslim should do ikhwan.. read more books about ur religion..to understand more about ur religion.. its an ibadah fyi...
    13 hours ago · · 1 person
  • Sufyan Salleh and yeah ikhwan u really as graceful as butterfly, and sting like a bee. lol
    13 hours ago · · 1 person
  • Izzat Ikhwan and i believe u understand it well more than i do.i can clearly see that.lol
    13 hours ago ·
  • Sufyan Salleh bagus la kalau percaya mcm tu. tak perlu nak illustrate byk sgt depan kau.
    12 hours ago ·
  • Izzat Ikhwan yes u dont have too.i dont need it either.
    12 hours ago ·
  • Izzat Ikhwan see ya tomorrow.
    12 hours ago ·
  • Sufyan Salleh ok whatever la adik2 baru nak up. see ya too :)
    12 hours ago ·
  • Sufyan Salleh nite
    12 hours ago ·
  • Izzat Ikhwan excuse me?adik2?what the fuck are you trying to say kakak2??
    12 hours ago ·
  • Izzat Ikhwan baru nak up?hahahha.now u r really funny.erm are you talking to ur own reflection?
    12 hours ago ·
  • Sufyan Salleh ahhaha
    12 hours ago ·
  • Sufyan Salleh adik2 la? kau kan lagi muda dari aku? ok la kau kakak2. ambik2.
    12 hours ago · · 1 person
  • Sufyan Salleh ahh ikhwan get angry. things are getting hotter.
    12 hours ago ·
  • Ros Shahira This is an advice not to any particular person but to all. Should you wanna give an opinion, choose your word and how to say it word by word wisely. Some opinions may actually be very useful and some might be lead to an unnecessary argument. Here, everyone feels that it isn't a big deal but too bad it has been exaggerated. Let's spread love ♥
    12 hours ago via Mobile ·
  • Izzat Ikhwan oh well i'm not use to that word.enough sufyan.i'm sensing so much hatred here.u r being really ridiculous sufyan.me getting angry?hahah.absolutely u hve no idea who izzat really is.seriously i'm laughing out loud now.
    12 hours ago ·
  • Sufyan Salleh so y are u using the f word? ahahah!
    12 hours ago ·
  • Izzat Ikhwan if you have the balls , come and see me personally face to face tomorrow morning and we talk about this like a grown up.
    12 hours ago ·
  • Sufyan Salleh alah bagi threat pulak? kau nak gado ke apa ni? kata tadi jgn take things seriously. ni kau take things seriously pulak.
    12 hours ago · · 1 person
  • Izzat Ikhwan did i say that?read it all over again.this is stupid.seriously.tak tahu lah kan kenapa kau tiba tiba nak menyibuk dekat sini dan nak membebel amcam makcik tua entah apa2 apdahal takde kena mengena dengan kau pun.dan kalau kau abca dari mula2,aku hanya cakap pasal program ni,yang kau tiba2 nak mlebih cakap pasal aku mcm tuhan nak cakap dosa pahala tu ape hal?orang boleh baca lah sufyan.,come on.
    12 hours ago · · 1 person
  • Sufyan Salleh and yeah aku mmg takde balls *wink*
    12 hours ago ·
  • Izzat Ikhwan seriously this is mind over matter think.i dont mind and u dont matter at all.
    12 hours ago ·
  • Sufyan Salleh ahahha. sorry la aku mmg mcm tu. dont all law students are like that? we like to argue and exagarate things a lot. ahaha okay la ikhwan. sorry if i offended u in anyway, seronok argue ngan kau ni.
    12 hours ago · · 1 person
  • Izzat Ikhwan yes sufyan u r absolutely right.law students love to argue with brains and strong evidences and those unhealthy opinions would be be just an entertainment for us .
    12 hours ago · · 1 person
  • Ros Shahira Strong supporting reasons are the weapons and unhealthy point of views are merely the candies.
    12 hours ago via Mobile · · 2 people
  • Ahad Asri sayang kau ros!
    9 hours ago via Mobile ·
  • Norellysha Farhana Nak lalu je, tumpang glamour.. (^_^)
    9 hours ago via Mobile ·
  • Muhammad Fitri Mokhtar PEBENDE SEMUA NIII???!!
    9 hours ago · · 1 person
  • Ahad Asri xpayah nk lalu sgt la chot. :p.
    9 hours ago via Mobile ·
  • Norellysha Farhana Fitri : tulah kau. Nama je vp, tapi taktahu apa2. Kau tgk apa da jadi. Huhu..
    Ahad : habis, nak join tak boleh. Lalu jelah. Tunjuk muka comel nih. Hahahaha
    9 hours ago via Mobile · · 1 person
  • Muhammad Fitri Mokhtar aku baru sampai bilik. seronok berjimba jimba dekat danok. >.<
    9 hours ago ·
  • Norellysha Farhana Salah jawatan pulak. Vbl a.k.a vice batch leader. Haha tapi vp pun sama kan? Apa2 jelah..
    9 hours ago via Mobile · · 1 person
  • Ahad Asri kau mmg comel sgt chot 'Tangan di dada,mata ke atas'
    9 hours ago via Mobile ·
  • Norellysha Farhana Fitri : untung lah member pergi danok. Layan karo ke? Haha :-P
    Ahad : Aku tahu tu, sebab tu aku cakap. Kau apa tahu, budak lepasan upsr. Hek3x ;-)
    9 hours ago via Mobile ·
  • Muhammad Fitri Mokhtar eh harus lah. dah orang cakap buat baik bukan terus dpt pahala so buat jahat terus la kat danok. confirm dpt dosa. LOL.
    9 hours ago ·
  • Norellysha Farhana Hahaha like !! Tapi kita bukan tuhan pun nak tahu dosa pahala kita. Kan... XOXO.
    9 hours ago via Mobile ·
  • Muhammad Fitri Mokhtar ha'ah la chot. :s
    9 hours ago ·
  • Norellysha Farhana We're just a normal human being. We ain't perfect pun. Tipu lah nak cakap kalau kau pernah buat something yang baik and tak harapkan
    pahala. Oops.. Shhhhh, silence is the best way to keep things from explode. Heee
    8 hours ago via Mobile · · 2 people
  • Muhammad Fitri Mokhtar hehe. kan. xde la. aku tak puas hati diaorang tak ajak aku "chit chat" kat sini... :(
    8 hours ago ·
  • Norellysha Farhana Sape suruh kau berpesta kat danok? Lain kali stay je kat sintok. Lagi hot orang2 nya..
    8 hours ago via Mobile · · 1 person
  • Izzat Ikhwan Wah chot dah makin nakal..fitri elehh blah la..aku sepuk kang
    4 hours ago via Mobile ·
  • Izzat Ikhwan Jap korang chat kul 4 pagi?for real guys?
    4 hours ago via Mobile ·
  • Muhammad Fitri Mokhtar ok lah. 4amn tenang sikit. xde yg sibuk menyampuk. ♥
    4 hours ago · · 1 person
  • Ros Shahira Hye adik adik baru nak up ^_^
    about an hour ago via Mobile ·
  • Izzat Ikhwan Cehhhh..kita semua baru nak up.takde org yang kuar2 dari rahim,trus expert dalam smething ke,trus jadi org besar ke,takde yang trus smpai ke puncak.booo!!doesn't matter what's ur age,u r still learing til the end of time.
    about an hour ago via Mobile · · 1 person
  • Norellysha Farhana Izzat : nothing but real honeyy. Hehe
    Ros : ye kakak. Baru nak up. Sila bagi tunjuk ajar tau. ^_^
    about an hour ago via Mobile · · 1 person
  • Izzat Ikhwan ‎*learning
    about an hour ago via Mobile ·
  • Izzat Ikhwan Chot-hahahaha.jgn suruh ros tunjuk ajar,suruh kakak2 lain yng bagus tu.
    about an hour ago via Mobile ·
  • Abdul Khaliq isu pasir dah berlalu,isu LELAKI warga asing sudah lepas.skrng perbualan yang hangat sedang berlaku.APA BENDA SEMUA NI???!!!
    about an hour ago · · 3 people
  • Muhammad Fitri Mokhtar cantik luar cantik dalam, cakap tu cantik sikit oihhh..
    about an hour ago ·
  • Abdul Khaliq HA...HALLLOOO...HA...HALLOOO....ada orang x rumahnye....punn...
    about an hour ago ·
  • Izzat Ikhwan ahahahahahahahaha lelaki warga asing?siapakah??hi khaliq !bila nak collect duit nye punnnn
    57 minutes ago ·
  • Khairun Nisya sorry to interrupt, but seriously... stop laa salahkan sufyan... dier just bg opinion jer... nk trime2, xnk trime sdah... ni ramai2 dok bangkang dier nape? btol jer kot fakta yg dier ckp, xde salahnyer... ok lah~~ kalo de sape2 yg b'salah pun dlm gado2 ni... aku laa kot org nyer coz aku tny "dpt sira ke x"...so causation whether factual or legal dier aku laa yg salah for asking that... and i'm really, very sorry for asking that. so stop perli2 or kutuk2 after this k~~ again, sorry for "sira" question.
    3 minutes ago ·